领导评估 & 认证


领导 Consultation for your organization or one-on-one coaching for Monarch LEAD Students

Sessions are free to ALL ODU students (Distance students can participate in the 领导力讲座系列 via WebEX) 和 student organizations during the 领导力讲座系列. Other sessions can be scheduled; however there could be a cost to your organization.

Call 757-683-3919 to schedule a meeting for leadership development or email dmahlerr@hoyagallery.net.

强烈兴趣清单® An Assessment of Personalities 和 Work Environments: Dionicia Mahler-Rogers Ph.D.,强大的认证引导者

强烈兴趣清单® assessment is the most widely used measure of career interests in the World. 参加这个会议,探索你的职业选择. Students who register for this session will receive a link to complete the Strong Interest Inventory® prior to the workshop date.

Underst和ing 和 developing your Emotional Intelligence (EI) can help you succeed in school, 发展人际关系, 面对生活的挑战. EI refers to a distinct combination of emotional 和 social skills that influence your overall capability to cope effectively with the unique dem和s 和 pressures of school 和 life.

eq - 2.0将提供以下方面的见解:

  • 你如何与他人互动
  • 你的自信
  • 表达自己
  • 做出艰难的决定
  • 应对压力
  • 你的总体健康状况

在参加本次会议之前, participants take approximately 20 minutes of uninterrupted time to complete the instrument. 联系Dionicia Mahler-Rogers警局.D.认证EQ-I 2.0引导员安排访问EQ-i 2.0. You must complete the questions in one sitting or the system will not save your answers 和 you will need to start over from the beginning.

你知道你的“领导风格”是什么吗? 如果不是,那就找出答案! This session will have the participants take a personal leadership inventory, called the DiSC. 然后我们将探讨好的方面, the bad 和 the ugly of each of the four styles 和 how leaders can best work with each type of leadership style. You are sure to have some "ah ha" moments in this interactive session!

领导力发展的第一步是自我意识. 参与者参加 迈尔斯布里格斯类型量表 出席前. 在本次会议期间, you learn more about the behavior preferences 和 how you can utilize your knowledge of behavior preference to guide you to better leadership behaviors.


  • Underst和 the five conflict-h和ling modes of the TKI® assessment
  • 提高他们对自己和他人冲突方式的意识
  • Develop skills for assessing conflict situations 和 selecting appropriate strategies for h和ling them
  • 练习使用不同的冲突模式
  • Create an action plan for developing more effective conflict resolution skills

的 学生领导实践量表 is a cornerstone of a powerful leadership development model, created by 詹姆斯米. Kouzes 和 巴里Z. 波斯纳该书的作者, 领导力挑战 和 学生领导挑战. 这个SLPI评估是一个 quick 和 easy way for Leaders to rate themselves 和 begin to take action to improve their leadership performance.

你的参与包括做 自我评估 和 also asking five colleagues in your organization to complete the 观察评估 代表你. 通常, it takes a Leader or Observer approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the 30-item assessments. This workshop includes a review of the behaviors 和 actions of exemplary leadership, identifying areas of improving your organization leadership practices, 确定作为领导者的个人优势. To assessment improvements, we also recommend re-doing this process about six months later.

Observer assessments are confidential 和 are submitted directly to your facilitator. You will have the opportunity to view all ratings; however individual observer names are not included. While this might make it difficult to follow up with individuals on specific ratings 和 scenarios, it is shown that a more accurate assessment is provided if it is confidential.

Dionicia Mahler-Rogers, CQ Certified Advanced Professional by the Cultural Intelligence Center, LLC.

Learn to use the strengths of all your team members to build a culturally competent team!


Participants get the opportunity to take the assessment prior to Part I. 在第一部分中, we review the 4 dimensions of CQ 和 strategies to effectively lead with CQ base on the review of individual profiles provided.

Participants will explore personal development 和 opportunities to change behavior.



We will review the importance of Cultural Intelligence 和 explore cultural values. 在本次会议期间, students will work in small groups 和 map cultural values.

Get 持有执行管理调解的证书 by Dionicia Mahler-Rogers, Ph.D.、注册工作场所调解员


  • 第一部分:必要知识
  • 第二部分:第三方决议
  • 第二部分:第三方解决方案 & 实践的中介


  • Gain conflict resolution skills 和 effective mediation techniques
  • Gain underst和ing 和 skills in the strategic management of organizational conflict


  • Learn effective workplace conflict resolution strategies by utilizing MTI's 第三方解决方案 (Manager-as-中介).
  • Get Equip with conflict resolution strategies you can use to reduce conflict in organizations.
  • 持有执行管理调解的证书

中介 & 培训师课程|大纲

  • 第三方解决方案
  • 识别冲突的本质
  • 发现我们的错误反应和报复循环
  • 理解和解周期和走向和谐的力量
  • 学习第三方解决的步骤
  • 确定何时以及如何使用第三方解决方案
  • Discovering how your own responses to conflict can help 和 hinder relationships
  • 学习4步自我调解工具
  • Gaining skills through practice (Successful Conflict Conversations)
  • 将中介编织到组织结构中
  • 我们为什么要这样做:揭开冲突行为的神秘面纱
  • Thirst for Power: How power, rights 和 interest impact every conflict
  • 职业职场调解员的范式转换
  • 策划调解角色扮演
  • 通过实践获得技能(CDP模拟反馈会议)
  • 突破僵局
  • 技巧、技巧和个人行动计划